fam new

fam new

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A look back...

A few pictures of the past several months...

Birthdays and more Birthdays

With celebrating 3 birthdays in August and 1 in September, there has been lots of partying going on around here.  We started with Candi followed by Tammy and Madison in August and Jhon Kevin in September.



La Canchita

The preschool that Madison and Jasmani attend does a great job teaching the children in fun and innovative ways.  In September, they converted the school into a replica of La Cancha, the world famous outdoor market located right here in Cochabamba.  Each class had their own section of "La Cancha" that they were responsible for and each child had the responsibility of selling his/her products.  The event did a great job teaching the kids the principles of buying and selling.  Each child also dressed up in traditional Cholito/a clothes.